I’m blessed to call myself a wife, mama and creative. A joyful ‘people’s person’ and trained performer, I’m passionate about human relationships, connection and authenticity. I believe we all have incredible stories within us and it’s one of my greatest gifts to take these experiences and mould them into something magical. Many of my own memories and adventures serve as the foundation of my art, and my work is often described as real, vulnerable and raw. I find great joy in connecting people to one another and I consider myself a catalyst in getting communication started.


I’m rather intrepid and my greatest expedition was a year long backpacking stint around the globe. It was a time where I learnt so much about myself and cultures different to my own. My greatest achievement was becoming a mother to a beautiful boy in 2022. He keeps me on my toes and has ignited my newfound passion for motherhood and the ‘brutiful’ struggles we share.


I live in London with my husband (who I married in lockdown). We have quite the pandemic wedding story which you can read here. Welcome to my site, a place where creativity lives. I hope you find some joy in it.